The Sound Studio
Have you always wanted to record your own podcast? Or are you a veteran podcaster who needs a proper studio? Madelife has 2 studios to suit your needs. Book Studio A with one of our engineers and let us handle all the production. Book Studio B to record up to 4 mics on your own with our very user friendly setup. Even if you’ve never recorded anything, we’ll have you up and running in minutes with pro results.
Music Recording
Our music studio is the perfect option for artists on a budget who still need high quality results. Although it's easy to have a recording setup at home, you may be lacking essential elements like an acoustically treated room, a good collection of microphones and a pro engineer to help you focus on giving your best performance. Book our studio today or book a consultation session with our engineer to help guide your project.
Are you interested in learning music production and recording? Check out our Creative Accelerator Program for a unique and customizable mentorship program where you can learn the skills you've always wanted from working professionals in your field.
Podcast Recording Pricing
Pro Studio
Podcast recording with 5 mics
Have a professional audio engineer edit, mix and master your podcast
Video Recording
ADD ON - Video record your podcast with pro camera and lighting (single shot on tripod
Streaming Services
Get your podcast on streaming services. We will have a 1 hour consultation with you to show you how to get your podcast on all major streaming services. This includes an information packet that you can take home for reference.
$varies per artist
Cover Art
Hire one of our designers to create cover art for your podcast. Pricing varies per artist or designer.
Book an appointment.
Fill out this form to begin scheduling recording.