Join us December 11th for the opening of our Annual Madelife Community Hangout.

This is an event were we open our space to the local artists of the front range for a shared experience of art, music, food, and vibes. This year we will be adding our Pop-up artist in the mix to create a full ranged holiday shopping experience.


Gallery Artist

Painters, Photographers, Drawers and Graphic designers. If you would like to showcase your work on the walls of madelife, here is your chance!

For the Community Hangout gallery space, we allow artists to enter as many up to ten pieces of work (if within a 7ft x 7ft radius). Artists can enter whatever piece they would like as long as it hangs up. The wall space will be shared with your fellow local artists. So let’s all be kind!

First come first serve for wall space.

If interested and showing please fill out the form to the right!


Makers, Thrifters, Resellers, Street Brands, and Fashion Designers. Here is your chance to sell your work in a shop for the holidays!

We are opening madelife’s middle shared spaces to host the artists pop-up alongside the traditional community hangout. We wanted to bring in a new element to the experience by adding this process, In the past the community hangout has been strictly a gallery show, and now we are making it bigger than ever by giving a chance to our fellow makers to join in on the fun!

Vendors have the option to sell their work for only the opening day, 12/11/21. or both the opening Saturday and the following Sunday, 12/11/21 - 12/12/21.

We also want to be able to open the store for the following weekend, so vendors can sell until Christmas week if they have customers they want to be there for. If you have a different date in mind know that we will be running the pop-up until December 20th, 2021, and you will be able to enter for the weekend of December 17th, 2021 if need be.

If interested and selling please fill out the form to the right!


Sign up to be a vendor or gallery artist.

If you are interested in participating as a featured artists in the gallery or as a vendor for the makers shop, we have a few options for you! Please find the difference between a “gallery artist”and a “vendor” below this form.